Feb 20, 2009

The Comeback of the Infomercial

With the downturn in the economy comes one big benefit
The re emergence of informercials
While they have never been entirely extinct they are now consuming our airwaves at a clip reminiscent of the hay days of the mid 90s
What defines an informercial

  • Usually airs between 9am and 5pm or aka the times when unemployed people are watching tv
  • Shows inferior products in black and white
  • Spokersperson that is yelling at you (Billy Mays)
  • Blue Screen at end with telephone number
  • Numerous offers at the end that double the product and throw in one item that has NOTHING to do with the main item being sold
  • Threats that you have to call now or within some fake allotted time slot
  • And last and clearly most important...
  • Some incredibly thoughtful rhyme

I now present to you....
The Informercial Rhyme of the Day
You can play along from home and try to guess the product being sold

No matter what the abuse,
You'll have a lifetime of use!


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