Feb 19, 2009


Panama City Spring Break Guide

Finally after months of work and editing (and the editors taking out most of the obscene stuff) my Panama City Spring Break Guide is up and running along with a lot of other fake spring break destination guides that are probably not as well written

This link will take you to the college prowler website where you can sign up and they will send you a link where you can download the Panama City Spring Break guide for free

Here is the About the Author Section that did not make the final cut


Nicholas Tolomeo is a recent graduate of West Virginia University. He currently resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania working as a sports reporter at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette with plans of returning to either graduate school, the South Side or both. While at WVU he spent two of his spring breaks along the shores of Panama City Beach. The time spent in Panama City were some of the best 14 days of his life and he continues to preach to college students of the importance of visiting Panama City at least one time.

             He made the long 15 hour to Panama City from Morgantown with his friends Brendan, Ken, Dickey, Syndo and his roommate Tom. The week was one big drunken debacle and midway through, he found a girl that he simply named “Toosh.” The name stuck and so did she, the two have been dating ever since.

            While I wrote this book I could literally smell the sand, taste the alcohol and feel the sun beating down on me. Panama City during spring break is truly a special place and everyone that has spent a week in March down there has a special bond. Much like all of us who went to Panama City together have been doing for the past year, this book let me look back and reflect on my memories, albeit a little cloudy, of Panama City.

            I would like to dedicate this book to the many people who shaped my Spring Break experience most notably, DJ Big Donna, the LSU fan from the Tiki Bar, the hotel manager who evicted ten of us from our room, the 12-year old kid who tried bonging a beer, the 54-year old mom who did bong a beer, the bartender at Hammerhead Fred’s, Brendan and Beata, every Mountaineer fan at Harpoon Harry’s, our waitresses at Hooters, the Mathletes next door to us and the WTF guy at the TIKI Bar.


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